OK Smacks, the kitchen is nearly done. They put in the tiles today, which means young Arnold has lost his sand to burrow into. He's asleep in his accustomed corner while I watch back-to-back episodes of M*A*S*H*. Have the house to myself (Shi Sho is off for a run in Genting and Chubs and the D-man in JB with Mums and Elliot and Maggot and the turtles).
So here goes:

Arnold standing on new table top

Settling in - doesn't he look so much better?

The kitchen so far - nearly done

Nother view

My cakah doggie in his accustomed corner
kitchen looks really nice. i ciulndnt see the colour of the floor tiles though. can you take pictures of the front as well?
simon says can you take pics thr newly painted rooms as well?
Haha OK. Tomorrow. Hawkeye is on a tirade and it's dark...
Btw, the space is for my new oven.
Kitchen looks great!
And Arnold is so much smaller than I was thinking! Somehow couldn't really tell in any of your other pictures. I just can't get over how cute he is.
TR: Thanks. The kitchen will look nicer once the oven's installed and I can use actually use it. And my Arnold boy thanks you. I wonder how he's doing in KL now without me. Probably driving my father up the wall. Or tripping up our paintermen.
Arnold and Maggot: the yin and yang of doggy karma, perhaps? They are both quite handsome, such expressive faces. :)
Thanks PH. My doggies appreciate your appreciation! :-)
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