Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Different Music

full of wine
night comes
falling blossoms
fill my robes
still drunk
but getting up
I wade
after the moon
when the birds have gone
and people are few


Nessa said...

I feel like I am floating among the stars.

Jenn said...

Hey Nessa, it is about Li Po, the legend of the T'ang dynasty, who drowned drunk while trying to embrace a reflection, his own, in a moon-filled pond.

Erratic Scribbler said...

i'm a big fan of Li Po. i hope one day to have a mythology of myself as he does: Li Bo, who drowned drunk trying to embrace a reflection of a pond in the moon.

did you write this? if so, good job reclaiming the simple things.

Anonymous said...

ah narcissus-like.

try this URL:

Jenn said...

Yeah the Chinese narcissus, who wasn't in love with himself but with the moon. The moon is a more acceptable love maybe.

ES: No, I didn't. George Crane did. I think you'll like Crane. He's kinda like your kinda guy.