Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hidden Joys

PLEASURES lie thickest where no pleasures seem:
There’s not a leaf that falls upon the ground
But holds some joy, of silence, or of sound,
Some sprite begotten of a summer dream.
The very meanest things are made supreme
With innate ecstacy. No grain of sand
But moves a bright and million-peopled land,
And hath its Edens and its Eves, I deem.
For Love, though blind himself, a curious eye
Hath lent me, to behold the hearts of things,
And touch’d mine ear with power. Thus, far or nigh,
Minute or mighty, fix’d or free with wings,
Delight from many a nameless covert sly
Peeps sparkling, and in tones familiar sings.

(Laman Blanchard)

Because, I felt like it.


Anonymous said...

Jenn, I'd never heard this poem before - and I like it too. Very much. I'm a glass-half-full kind of gal and usually see people, places and things in a positive light. I'm keeping this one - thanks.

Anonymous said...

I can see why.

Charlene Amsden said...

This one almost lifted my spirits. Very positive and upbeat. Tomorrow I will likely love it. Today I am tired.

Jenn said...

Jackie: Really? Wow. (OK shameful admission...I didn't either, till yesterday. I read the first few lines in a book I was reading, googled the rest and thought, gosh, how apt, I think I'll post it) :)

Nessa: Haha. Glass half full, hall full, half full...

Quilly: Yes, dear. Rest up now, y'hear?

Susanna said...

That is an absolutely beautiful poem. I'd never read before. Thanks for sharing.

Charlene Amsden said...

Yep -- I loved it. I was even surprised to see that I'd been here and commented on it. That was a tough day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pick me up!

Jenn said...

Hallo Nitsy. No problem. Why, you need a pick me up? Yong said tani, tani, tani.

Jenn said...

A thinker: Hey. Glad you liked it. I just discovered it myself. And felt I had to share it....

Quilly: Nice to see you back again, as you...

Anonymous said...

You're missing a post, girl! I know I'm not crazy - I read it yesterday and it was so cute - but didn't have time to comment as T was in a big hurry to leave. Came back this morning - and it's gone! I wanted to tell you that I really like the way you write that there is nothing to write - and you are so entertaining while you are doing it! Which I thought was a great post!

Anonymous said...

Love those words!

How have you been? I haven't been able to check my personal I-net in such a long time. Spirits are lifted now. :) Merci!

Jenn said...

Jackie! What do you mean? What post? I donno whatchoo talking aboutlar, but thanks for the compliment. :)

Ling: Hey Ling. Good to have you back. Work must be full on, huh? Been good. Gooder. Goodest.