Hello! It's my Happy Birthday, so I thought I should tell you because it is a matter of grave importance and of public interest to boot!
Shameless hussy forsooth! So happy birthday to me, lalalalalala.
That was my first as you can probably tell from the cake. I look troubled as I had just pooped my pants. The folks kept trying to get me to smile in the studio and discovered why I wouldn't when they got home and checked my diaper.
OK I thought I would share what Julie (Googlie) wrote in her birthday card.
"Are You Sure It's Your Birthday? Are you really sure it's today? Really sure? I'm only asking because old people are so easily confused. Happy Birthday."
(OK that's not what she said, that's what the card said. Now for what she said)
Dearest Appu, (she calls me that, I donno why, maybe cos I call her, among others, Shi Sho)
Happy 35th! This was the rudest card I could find. And it's quite tame some more kan? Anyhoo so 35. Thirty five. Yesiree Bobbo...the big mid 30s. I just have to say this. You don't look a day over 25!
I am waffling so here's wishing you the best of all the ill-gotten booty there is to have, run wild and free like the bulls in Pamplona (sp?), enjoy the breeze like the tumbling tumbleweeds and fly high with the birdy num nums in the sky. (and poop on anyone who tries to 'lastik' you down).
Have a great one.
I would give you Jackie's card as well, cos it's sure to be as funny, only it hasn't arrived. Pout. Nemmindlar, I'll have an elastic birthday.
(I asked Julie what she meant by people trying to lastik me, and she said shoot me with a catapult while I'm flying high, lastik is sorta Malay for elastic).
Now that I've suitably amused myself...
Let's see if I can get this right:
Happy birthdaylar!!
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Jenn, happy birthday to you!!
35 is a GREAT age! Young enough to do anything you want to do - and old enough to not give a damn about what people think about you doing it!! LOL
Happy Birthday! Yay! Party!
PTB: Perfect. I now dub thee honorary Malaysian.
Jackie: Thank you Jackie. I never thought of it like that. You're right. It's a cool age to be.
Quilly: Yay indeed! Thank you.
You look like you have angel wings in that picture.
I heard it was your birthday.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
happy birthday jenn!
Nessa: Angel wings, lol. It was the chair. The nice ornate metal chair I was uncomfortably seated on. I loved the youtube thingies...especially the first. Thanks.
Pink: Thanks.
Happy Birthday! It was my 31st 2 days ago ... woohoo!
Say No To Crack: Hello, welcome to my blog. Thank you and Happy Belated.
hi jenn
happy birthday...
i heard somewhere and it quite agreed with me that thirty is the new twenty five...which makes thirty five quite young really
and more importantly reminds us of the 'age is but a no.' perspective
Hey Lemon, thanks. And don't worry...age is one of those inscrutable things. After all this time, I still can't figure out what it means...
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