The goose is getting fat
Please-a-put-a penny
in the old man's hat,
in the old man's hat.
If you don't have a penny,
a ha'penny will do,
if you don't have a ha'penny
then God bless you,
if you don't have a ha'penny
then God bless you.
There's the sugar plums, of course.

And pulling out the old recipes, fragrant with old brandy. And the creativity required to make a host of presents. (That's right folks, I'm making my gifts this year! I think it'd mean more)
There's books:

To be made by self.
There's CD's. I'll select some songs and burn `em.
There's cakes (tell me which one is your favourite. Addy has booked the Texas Fudge cake).
As for crafty sorta projects, well looks like I will only finish one by Christmas. Maybe I can work on `em next year to have enough presents to go around.

(No, that's not it)
Gosh, I feel all excited.
Some one's excited to see Santa.
Or be Santa, I should say.
love your enthusiasm for christmas jen :)
Chistmas is a'comin'.
Chistmas is a'comin'.
Ringin' bells
Everyone yells
Chistmas is a'comin'!
bah humbug
Nessa: Yeah, am all excited which is great. Last year I wasn't. Last year I hoped it will just be over and done with.
Praby-Waby: First, I have to say, Vas had a girl! Yay! Addy and I went to visit them yesterday. Vas is doing fine. Baby very cute. Mini-version of Vrishin. (Arun sent Addy an SMS - It's a girl! It's a girl! It's a girl!) So you can see what he thinks of it.
Quilly: Hello my cheery friend. Ebenezer Scrooge does not sit well on you. Full to the brim of the joy o' life as you always are.
Jenn, I don't know how, but I missed this post yesterday. Maybe it was my subconscience - hard to think about Christmas when I'm not around family then. I'm impressed at your ambition though - making the gifts you give is pretty special. You go, girl.
It sounds like a fun Christmas. Handmade gifts are the best!
Even I have plans to make all handmade gifts this time..I"m checking out on all the blogs and sites for some unique can jus peep into my for some Holiday Blog cool stuff...
Come to Cleveland, PLEASE!!! I will give you 16 Terrible Paintings if you do.
Jackie: Haha. Me go indeed! Yesterday I scouted out some more preferences....I get more and more excited...all I want to do is load up on flour and recipes and paint and boxes and new printer's ink see where I'm a-going here...
HCG: I would LOVE to come to Cleveland. But at the moment...And 16 paintings? Girl, you're too generous!
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