Thursday, January 17, 2008

Kiss Today Goodbye

A curious lifting of the mood. It happens sometimes. I pushed myself to the limit in that room of machines yesterday. Wondering if the physical pain would overtake all others. But it didn't. I felt nothing. Which is good. Depression is a great time to work out. You don't feel anything and don't care if you do.

But after a while the mood shifted. The darkness lifted. I think I'm getting addicted to the gym. For once a positive addiction. And as much as I wanted to, I did not repair to the local to have a shot.

No, I went home and listened to Copperline and read and fell asleep. Only to wake up early for a management meeting that never materialised. When my phone goes off at 5 it plays an eerie tune and I am jolted out of sleep wondering what the heck is happening.

Not that I wake up at 5. Only to switch off phone and crawl back into bed. After which Dadda's phone goes off. And Julie uncloses an eye and shifts herself out of bed. She actually gets up early enough for the gym.

Early morning meeting with the boss since management meeting was cancelled and I cleared some outstanding work. Which is always nice.

And may be why I'm feeling singularly uncrummy today.


Nessa said...

It feels good to get things cleaned up - if only for a little while.

Jenn said...

You're in my blood like holy wine, you taste so bitter and so sweet and I could drink a case of you darling and still be on my feet...