Hello! Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day! Sorry this is a day late but as you may understand, things have been a little hectic/mad around here. Anyway, as my sainted Mamma would say, when you don't wish someone on Christmas Day itself, Compliments of the Season!
Things to do the day after Christmas.
1. Sleep till afternoon, especially if it's raining (oh joy, it never rains but it pours);
2. Watch DVDs (To Kill a Mockingbird, Narnia Chronicles, Northern Exposure);
3. Call friends to say, hey, I'll be back in KL tomorrow...wanna meet? (Yes, I mean you!);
4. Finally send off trifle recipe that I was supposed to send off before Christmas;
5. Make up gift basket of goodies and go visit old music teacher;
6. Go easy on the port (especially since we finished most of it yesterday);
7. Reply emails (I'm sorrylar, I was busy! And tired! You try making six different types of dessert in two days!);
8. Reply all the text messages I received yesterday (same as above, sorrylar!);
9. Do new post for Christmas, a day late;
10. Wish everyone a Happy and Holy Easter. (Father Pang, absent-mindedly one Midnight Mass, long story).
Jenn -- it is never too late to wish for someone the joy of the Christmas season. If only we could all keep an abundance of love in our hearts year round ...
Jen, Happy Boxing Day to you. Sounds like you're going to stay busy the rest of this year. :)
Is it really neccessary to go easy on the port?
Merry Christmas! Yup, I know it's like two days late but as they say, better late than never=)
Happy New Year in advance!
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