Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Daily footsteps on water (or I ticked my bullet journal today)

I have a pile of New Yorkers

haphazardly splayed on the table

that I have yet to clean

still in their plastic covers.

Some are from last December

It's already this October

and they broadcast a failure

to keep up.

I read what I can

an article a day, maybe two

no small feat when they can run

to 30 closely-written pages.

I have not renewed my subscription

It is too much, too much!

and I have other things to tick off

in my trusty bullet journal

which I cling to

in spite of everything

to let me know that 

I have not allowed the days to pass

like footsteps on water.

Did I read a chapter of the book-du-jour?

Hadot's Spiritual Exercises,

or that biography of Van Gogh 

written in the 1950s?

Have I meditated? 

Learnt a few French words and phrases

on Duolingo?

Listened to Deacon Keith Fournier

recite the Bible readings for the day?

With his distinctive panache

on Catholic Online?

Have I cleaned the kitty litter?

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

The one thing 

I don't record

is the hours spent

in front of Netflix 

as my mind atrophies

and I become drooling

and sub-verbal.

(and suddenly it's four in the morning

and I'm working tomorrow!)

Pick myself up

Dust myself up

get back to that list.

start again.

I refuse to be

just another

pandemic casualty.

It's time for Calm 

and Tamara  Levitt's

short meditation of the day.

10 minutes.

I can do 10 minutes

What's so hard about 10 minutes?

Maybe it will rein in

this slow disintegration

and reverse my attrition.

Later for you.

Monday, October 04, 2021

Worthy of Love

Even as you lay 
on the ground
soaked in vodka
or whisky
or wine
or brandy
or whatever
ethanol you had
just picked up
from the shop 

Even as you lay 
passed out
in the front of that 
tiny hotel
tiny but decent
except for the drunk 
at its doorstep

Even then you 
felt worthy of love
a person
and not a creature
to be pitied 
or shunned.

You cried out
upon waking
demanding a hearer
demanding affection
demanding all that 
had been promised

You never felt unworthy
even as you lay on the ground, twitching
but unashamed.

And eventually
you found someone
who was sweet and forgiving
who married you
and lived with you
for a few years
and who eventually
sent you home
in an urn.

But you remained married
until you died
which is what you intended
and all you ever wanted.

And when I looked on you
with such disgust
and contempt
I didn't know 
that you, even you,
in all your brokenness
lying in your own puddle 
of urine and vomit
had something teach me.

I, who have never felt worthy,
no matter what I did,
no matter how I tried,
no matter what I achieved,

of love. 

Saturday, October 02, 2021


 I leave you behind

our path diverge

And when 

the white noise

dies down

I'm sure there will be sorrow.

For now, there is only

an awareness, an understanding

that you are a part 

of the past

that is being erased

as I sit here

as I type these words

as we speak

or rather

as we don't speak.

The thundering silence 

between us

has crystallised 

into marble.

Cold, pure, white



Goodbye now.

Please forget me.

I don't think we will meet again.